Fibroids in the uterus, and cysts on the ovaries are benign (not cancerous) growths, which can cause no symptoms, mild or severe symptoms of pain, bloating and/or bleeding. Both uterine fibroids and ovarian cysts affect 75% of women. Fibroids and can range in number and size from a single growth to multiple growths, from small to large. The ovaries can have single or multiple cysts, small or large. The type of cyst that is more complicated to treat is Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome. The main differences are the location and texture. Cysts are fluid filled whereas fibroids are dense tissue. Both are diagnosed through Pelvic Ultrasound.
You can prevent and treat both Uterine Fibroids and Ovarian Cysts simply by understanding the cause (discussed below). Prevention is always easier. If either one has gotten to the point that reversing through lifestyle changes is unsuccessful, conventional treatment may be necessary. Conventional treatment for fibroids and cysts involve pain medication and/or hormonal suppression with Birth Control Pills. Both fibroids and cysts can require surgery. Fibroids can be treated by reducing blood supply to fibroid (embolization), myomectomy (removing fibroid), hysterectomy (removing uterus) or endometrial ablation – with heat or cold to stabilize the uterine lining.
The cause of both fibroids and ovarian cysts are similar – Estrogen Dominance and Liver overload.
Symptoms of Uterine fibroids:
- None
- Pressure on the bladder/rectum
- Lower abdominal and/or lower back pain
- Constipation/rectal pressure
- Uterine cramping from mild to severe
- Bleeding that can be frequent or infrequent, heavy or light, with or without cramping
Symptoms of Ovarian Cysts:
- None
- Pressure with ovulation
- Sharp pain in pelvic cavity if large
The main concerns with uterine fibroids are:
- Anemia due to heavy bleeding.
- Discomfort due to size.
- Challenges with fertility.
The main concerns with ovarian cysts are:
- Pain
- Challenges with fertility
Estrogen dominance means that estrogen is high and progesterone is low. It is caused by many things, mainly by xenoestrogens. These are xeno (alien, strange) hormones. They imitate estrogen. They are found widely in PCB’s, BPA’s and Phthalates. Most specialists that study xenoestrogens regard them as serious environmental hazards that have hormonal disruptive effects on both humans. PCB – (polychlorinated biphenyl) is an organochloride pollutant. These are man-made chemicals used widely in electrical equipment (capacitors and transformers) until they were banned in 1979 due to toxic human exposures. Although declining, once in the environment, PCBs tend to be persistent in the environment. We have all been exposed to them through breathing, eating, drinking and skin contact.
These toxins store in fat tissue and are difficult to eliminate.
- BPA – Bisphenol A, is an industrial chemical that has been used to make certain plastics and resins since the 1960’s. They are found in food and beverage containers, both plastic and metal products (as they have linings that contain BPA). Steel cans/bottles do not contain BPA. The recycling # 7 on plastic bottles contains BPA – unless it says “BPA free on it,” then the #7 is fine.
- Phthalates – Phthalates, called “plasticizers,” are a group of industrial chemicals used to make plastics more flexible. Phthalates are everywhere – in processed foods, plastic objects like shower curtains and toys, adhesives, detergents, shampoo and many more. Hidden phthalates may be abbreviated as seen below. For more detailed information on environmental toxins please visit
- Paraen is a chemical used as a preservative in cosmetics and food. They can mimic estrogens as well and have been found in breast tumors and linked to breast cancer. Paraben can be avoided by reading labels. Any word that has “paraben” in it is a paraben. Two other ways to write parabens are Hydroxybenzoic acid and hydroxybenzoate.
Treating Estrogen Dominance
Excess estrogen in one of the main culprits in hormonal imbalance, which then can cause fibroid tissue in the uterus and disordered ovulation or ovarian cysts. One of the first things you can do to prevent and start reversing these hormonal imbalances is to stop exposing yourself to xenohormones.
Five steps to avoiding xenoestrogens:
- Avoid plastic bottles as much as possible – never freeze, warm or reuse disposable water bottles.
- If you use the microwave, never use plastic. Best is to not use the microwave.
- If you eat meat or use dairy, use from grass-fed, free-range farms.
- Use natural detergents
- Avoid paraben in skin care products.
- Supplement with Natural Factors Estrosense
What to expect from this product:
- Supports healthy hormone balance (estrogen to progesterone)
- Supports healthy breasts
- Detoxifies the liver of xenoestrogens
- Reduces flooding and heavy periods
- Helps those with PCOS and ovarian cysts
- Inhibits conversion of 2-hydorsyestrone metabolites to carcinogenic estrogens (16-hydroxyestrone)
- Cancer-protecting plant nutrients
- Reduces PMS symptoms
- Supports normal PAP smears
- Helps reduce endometriosis and fibroids
Symptoms of hormone imbalance are sparked by an imbalance of estrogen to progesterone, with estrogen being dominant. It is important to understand that there are several different forms of estrogen, with some being beneficial and others being potentially harmful. For example, synthetic estrogens present in the environment are called xenoestrogens. These toxins are found in pesticides and other chemicals and exposure to these chemicals can result in imbalanced hormone levels, menstrual cycle disruption, reduced fertility and a range of other possible effects.
Even among the body’s naturally produced hormones, there are harmful and beneficial estrogens. Extensive research in animals and in humans has shown that higher levels of one form of estrogen, called 2-hydroxyestrone is associated with a reduced risk of breast cancer in women, whereas higher levels of another form, called 16α-hydroxyestrone, has been associated with a significantly increased risk of breast cancer.
It is clear then that shifting the balance of estrogen in the body towards the “good” form of estrogen is highly desirable and can have many beneficial health effects. EstroSense® is a complete natural formula that helps to maintain lifelong healthy hormone balance from puberty onward. EstroSense® contains an effective combination of ingredients that have been clinically demonstrated to help promote healthy estrogen metabolism, detoxification of harmful chemicals and hormones, and the production of beneficial estrogen hormones.
EstroSense® is the ideal hormonal health partner for women using oral contraceptives and those suffering from various symptoms of hormonal imbalance which could include, breast health concerns, exposure to xenoestrogens (pesticides, herbicides and toxins), endometriosis, fibrocystic breasts, heavy/flooding periods, PMS, ovarian cysts, uterine fibroids and more.
Calcium-D-Glucarate – D-glucarate is a naturally occurring substance that is found in many fruits and vegetables. D-glucarate has been shown to help enhance the detoxification of toxins and carcinogens in the body. It also enhances estrogen metabolism, helping to promote healthy hormone balance.
Indole-3-Carbinol – I3C is a compound found in broccoli and other cruciferous vegetables that has been shown to promote healthy estrogen metabolism in women by helping to shift the balance of estrogen in the body towards 2-hydroxyestrone, the “good” form of estrogen. As a result, I3C can help to improve hormone balance and may also help to reduce the risk of estrogen-related cancers, like breast and cervical cancer. I3C has also been used successfully as a treatment in women with cervical dysplasia.
Broccoli Extract: Sulforaphane – Sulforaphane is another detoxification compound found in broccoli. Sulforaphane is a powerful antioxidant that can help to enhance the immune system and improve the body’s ability to detoxify and eliminate harmful chemicals and hormones. Preliminary studies also suggest that sulforaphane may be able to target and destroy early breast cancer cells.
Milk Thistle Extract – Milk Thistle is known for its liver protecting properties. This natural antioxidant works together with sulphoraphane to enhance the function of the liver, improving its ability to eliminate toxins, excess hormones and harmful forms of estrogen. As a result, healthy estrogen balance is restored, and side-effects of unbalanced hormone levels can be reduced.
Additional Antioxidants – EstroSense also contains a combination of other powerful natural antioxidants that work together to protect the body’s cells and tissues from damage, reduce inflammation and the risk of disease and help to maintain hormone balance. These antioxidants include rosemary extract, green tea extract, turmeric and lycopene. Green Tea extract, for example, has been shown to support estrogen balance, with one study showing that green tea drinkers have lower blood estrogen levels than non-drinkers.